Monday, February 28, 2011

Is this really happening?

If you asked me two months ago if I'd be blogging about my trip to a post-Mubarak, revolutionary Egypt in the near future my response could very well have been "Fil mish mish." For my non-Arabic speakers - aka my family members who are most likely the only people reading this now ;) - "fil mish mish" is kind of like saying "when pigs fly." Mish mish is the word for apricot, and probably one of my favorite words in the Arabic language (although admittedly there are an immense amount of words I have yet to learn). Now here I am and it's already past the time I told myself I'd leave my LES (lower east side) apartment for JFK airport! Am I usually doing things exactly as I meant to? Fil mish mish! What I do know for sure, is that Cairo isn't going to be the same as I left it in the summer of 2008. And I can't wait to see it.

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